Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests of Grace Baptist Community Church of Dresden
- For the brethren to join the started membership of our church
- For positive outcomes of asylum processes
- For God to grant faith to the unbelieving
- For guidance in further developing our partnerships with churches and leaders in Dresden, Berlin and Görlitz
- For those who are learning German as a new language
- For God to work through the weekly sermons, Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings
- For the parents to have wisdom and God’s grace to raise their children in God’s ways
- For continued growth in unity & sacrificial love for one-another
- For the start of a kids ministry as we are blessed with a growing number of families and kids
- For open doors to witness, especially now before Christmas and during our outreach 16.12. in front of the Kulturpalast
Prayer Requests of Partnering Churches
Arche Dresden
- Pray for the new believers in the church to grow in grace
- Pray that the church would be a light in Dresden, especially in Gorbitz and that God would use the church to reach many people with the Gospel
- Pray for eagerness, wisdom and courage in evangelization and reaching out to the community and for Pastor Matthias to find a job that allows more time for the ministry
Grace Baptist Community Church of Dresden
God-honoring — Christ-centered — Bible-saturated