

If you cannot attend our church service in person, you can follow it via Live Stream. Recorded services are stored on our YouTube channel.

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You can also follow us on Facebook, where the weekly sermon links are uploaded.

We also record and upload our sermons in mp3 and mp4 format.
Here are the links to the individual sermons:

DateTitle/SeriesSub pointScripturePreacherAudioVideo
2024-12-29End of year encouragementsPastor RonnyVideo
2024-12-25The word became flesh – 5 reasons for the incarnation.Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-12-22Zachariah’s song.God’s redemption has come.Luke 1:68-79Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-12-15The Annunciation.Humbly receiving God’s powerful wordLuke 1:26-38Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-12 -08How to live a rich life characterized by Godness, generosity, and joy.1 Tim &:17-21Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-12-01How then should we live?Gal 2:17-21Guest Preacher Pastor Matthias ReimerVideo
2024-11-24The PsalmsConfidence and delight in God`s beautyPsalm 27Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-11-17The man of God must persevere in the fight1 Tim 6:11-16Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-11-10False teachers, true contentment, and the love of moneyThe love of money1 Tim 6:6-10Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-11-03Christ our SheperdJohn 10Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-10-27False teachers, true contentment and the love of moneyFalse teachers1 Tim 6:2b-5Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-10-20How to treat one anotherServing well as employees1 Tim 6:1-2Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-10-13Go out to HimHeb 13:10-16Brother Juan KarlosVideo
2024-10-6Christ, the second Adam.Romans 5:12-21Pastor RonnyVideo
How to treat one another
Ministering to the elders1 Tim 5:1- 6:2Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-09-22How to treat one anotherCaring for widows1 Tim 5:3-16Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-09-15The blessing of forgivenessPsalm 32Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-09-08How to treat one another1 Tim 5:1 – 6:2Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-09-01The cost of our salvationPsalm 22Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-08-256 Standing orders for Timothy1 Tim 4:11-16Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-08-18Disciples of a good servant of Christ1 Tim 4:6-10Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-08-11Pleasures ForevermorePs 16Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-08-04The Transforming Power Of the GospelTitus 3:3-8Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-07-28Be Aware Of Apostasy1 Tim 4:1-5Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-07-21Live what you believeHebr 13Brother Juan CarlosVideo
2024-07-14The King ReignsPsalm 2Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-07-07The Mystery of Godliness1 Tim 3:14-16Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-06-30DeaconsAssistants to the eldersPastor RonnyVideo
2024-06-23The gift of faithHebrews
Juan CarlosVideo
2024-06-16Qualifications of elders1 Timothy
Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-06-09Men and Women in the Church1 Timothy 2:8-15Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-06-02The urge for evangelistic prayer1 Timothy
Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-05-26Fight the good fight1 Timothy 1:18-20Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-05-19God’s grace for the greatest of sinners1 Timothy 1:12-17Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-05-12Oppose false teachers
Part III
The purpose of the law1 Timothy 1:1-11Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-05-05Stand on the Unshakable RockHebrews 12:18-29Brother Juan CarlosVideo
2024-04-28Oppose false teachers
Part II
False teaching and the aim of ministry1 Timothy 1:1-11Pastor RonnyVideo
2024 -04 -21The PsalmsThe two waysPsalms 1Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonAudioVideo
2024-04-13Oppose false teachers
Part I
False teaching1 Timothy 1:1-7Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-04-07The Discipline of PrayerLuke 22:39-46Guest preacher Sam RajuAudioVideo
2024-03- 31The significance of Jesus’s resurrection for usRessurection SundayPastor RonnyVideo
2024-03-29Only His blood can cleanse you Good Friday ServiceHebrews 9:18 – 28Juan CarlosVideo
2024-03-24The Church3. The responsibilities of the Church membersCol 3:12-17, Eph 4:1-16Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-03-17The Church 2. The Life of a healthy ChurchActs 2:42-47Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-03-10The Church 1. The Importance of the Churchselected scripturePastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-03-03The risen Christ and His disciplesJohn 21Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-02-25The resurrection believedJohn 20:19-33Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-02-18The prophecy of Malachi (pt.7)Malachi 4:2-6Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonAudioVideo
2024-02-11The burial and resurrection of JesusJohn 19:31-20:18Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-02-04The Lord’s Supper1Cor 11:27-34Guest preacher Pastor Matthias ReimerAudioVideo
2024-01-28Which one is your side?1Cor 1:18-31Brother Juan CarlosAudioVideo
2024-01-21The crucifixion and death of JesusJohn 19:16(b)-30Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-01-14The prophecy of Malachi (pt.6)Malachi 3:13-4:3Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonAudioVideo
2024-01-07Christ our Great High PriestPsalm 110
Hebrews 7:21-28
Brother Juan CarlosAudioVideo

If you would like to listen to more sermons from the past, you can access the corresponding archive folder:

Grace Baptist Community Church of Dresden
God-honoring — Christ-centered — Bible-saturated