2024 sermons Archive

DateTitle/SeriesSub pointScripturePreacherAudioVideo
2024-12-29End of year encouragementsPastor RonnyVideo
2024-12-25The word became flesh – 5 reasons for the incarnation.Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-12-22Zachariah’s song.God’s redemption has come.Luke 1:68-79Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-12-15The Annunciation.Humbly receiving God’s powerful wordLuke 1:26-38Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-12 -08How to live a rich life characterized by Godness, generosity, and joy.1 Tim &:17-21Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-12-01How then should we live?Gal 2:17-21Guest Preacher Pastor Matthias ReimerVideo
2024-11-24The PsalmsConfidence and delight in God`s beautyPsalm 27Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-11-17The man of God must persevere in the fight1 Tim 6:11-16Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-11-10False teachers, true contentment, and the love of moneyThe love of money1 Tim 6:6-10Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-11-03Christ our SheperdJohn 10Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-10-27False teachers, true contentment and the love of moneyFalse teachers1 Tim 6:2b-5Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-10-20How to treat one anotherServing well as employees1 Tim 6:1-2Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-10-13Go out to HimHeb 13:10-16Brother Juan KarlosVideo
2024-10-6Christ, the second Adam.Romans 5:12-21Pastor RonnyVideo
How to treat one another
Ministering to the elders1 Tim 5:1- 6:2Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-09-22How to treat one anotherCaring for widows1 Tim 5:3-16Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-09-15The blessing of forgivenessPsalm 32Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-09-08How to treat one another1 Tim 5:1 – 6:2Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-09-01The cost of our salvationPsalm 22Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-08-256 Standing orders for Timothy1 Tim 4:11-16Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-08-18Disciples of a good servant of Christ1 Tim 4:6-10Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-08-11Pleasures ForevermorePs 16Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-08-04The Transforming Power Of the GospelTitus 3:3-8Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-07-28Be Aware Of Apostasy1 Tim 4:1-5Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-07-21Live what you believeHebr 13Brother Juan CarlosVideo
2024-07-14The King ReignsPsalm 2Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonVideo
2024-07-07The Mystery of Godliness1 Tim 3:14-16Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-06-30DeaconsAssistants to the eldersPastor RonnyVideo
2024-06-23The gift of faithHebrews
Juan CarlosVideo
2024-06-16Qualifications of elders1 Timothy
Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-06-09Men and Women in the Church1 Timothy 2:8-15Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-06-02The urge for evangelistic prayer1 Timothy
Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-05-26Fight the good fight1 Timothy 1:18-20Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-05-19God’s grace for the greatest of sinners1 Timothy 1:12-17Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-05-12Oppose false teachers
Part III
The purpose of the law1 Timothy 1:1-11Pastor RonnyVideo
2024-05-05Stand on the Unshakable RockHebrews 12:18-29Brother Juan CarlosVideo
2024-04-28Oppose false teachers
Part II
False teaching and the aim of ministry1 Timothy 1:1-11Pastor RonnyVideo
2024 -04 -21The PsalmsThe two waysPsalms 1Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonAudioVideo
2024-04-13Oppose false teachers
Part I
False teaching1 Timothy 1:1-7Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-04-07The Discipline of PrayerLuke 22:39-46Guest preacher Sam RajuAudioVideo
2024-03- 31The significance of Jesus’s resurrection for usRessurection SundayPastor RonnyVideo
2024-03-29Only His blood can cleanse you Good Friday ServiceHebrews 9:18 – 28Juan CarlosVideo
2024-03-24The Church3. The responsibilities of the Church membersCol 3:12-17, Eph 4:1-16Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-03-17The Church 2. The Life of a healthy ChurchActs 2:42-47Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-03-10The Church 1. The Importance of the Churchselected scripturePastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-03-03The risen Christ and His disciplesJohn 21Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-02-25The resurrection believedJohn 20:19-33Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-02-18The prophecy of Malachi (pt.7)Malachi 4:2-6Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonAudioVideo
2024-02-11The burial and resurrection of JesusJohn 19:31-20:18Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-02-04The Lord’s Supper1Cor 11:27-34Guest preacher Pastor Matthias ReimerAudioVideo
2024-01-28Which one is your side?1Cor 1:18-31Brother Juan CarlosAudioVideo
2024-01-21The crucifixion and death of JesusJohn 19:16(b)-30Pastor RonnyAudioVideo
2024-01-14The prophecy of Malachi (pt.6)Malachi 3:13-4:3Guest preacher Pastor Steve HendersonAudioVideo
2024-01-07Christ our Great High PriestPsalm 110
Hebrews 7:21-28
Brother Juan CarlosAudioVideo

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